кстати, о птичках. Непонятно, почему JP M,RANDOM3 ?

from Your Sinclair #20 (August 1987)

If you want to know more about programming, take a Pitstop right here in
our new program section! Each month it'll be bursting with routines from
the top programmers, and seething with all your games and utility

Yes, it's all true! In this rinky premiere edition of Program Pitstop,
we've got Jon Ritman of Batman and Head Over Heels fame, Dominic
Robinson who wrote Zynaps and Uridium and Tim Follin, musician extra-
ordinaire, who did the music for Agent X and Sentinel. All of them are
here this month sharing their darkest programming secrets, for you to
use free in your own programs! If that isn't enough for you, we've also
got wacky David McCandless and his super Gauntlet Mapper program, plus
an original and useful graphic utility from Khalid Jamil, called Peeker.

Pitstop is going to be the indispensable programmers guide, featuring
the best Spectrum programmers plus yourselves in the biggest pooling of
programming talent since the Spectrum was invented. What we need are
contributions from you. Is there a routine that does something fab that
you used in your last game? Provided it's quite short, you're in with a
chance to be featured in Program Pitstop. If you're a professional
programmer, then please write in with a mugshot and some details. If
you're just a talented amateur, then let the rest of the world see how
brill you can be - who knows, you could find yourself up there with the
big boys in no time!

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by Khalid Jamil (?)
from Your Sinclair 20 (Aug.1987) - "Program Pitstop"
[files PEEKER.*]

[This was later claimed to have been lifted from a Spanish magazine ]
[ - Microhobby #78 - and to have been written by Francisco Alexandre]
[ - see letter below.                                           JimG]

Now then, have you ever seen graphics in a game that you really liked
and thought, "Hmm, with a little bit of tickling that would be just
right for my new game!" Well, now you can! Khalid Jamil has come up with
a very tidy solution, in the form of Peeker, an amazingly short program
which allows you to look at a game's graphics or sprites to see how
they're made up.


Load Peeker with LOAD "". You'll be presented with a menu screen
containing the graphics window, a small bar containing the start and end
addresses of the program you're looking at, a short box containing the
memory location presently being examined, and a menu box. The menu box
contains the words PEEK, COLOR, POINT, LOAD, and SAVE. To access each of
these options, press '6', then use 'Q' and 'A' to highlight the option,
then finally press '0' (zero) to select it. To escape from an option
press '6' again.

Basic Program

Here's the main program. Type it in and save it to tape as SAVE "PEEKER"
LINE 1. It'll load up the code blocks and auto-run.

PEEK - After loading the game, this option allows you to actually look
at the graphics in memory. Scan forwards and backwards through memory
with 'Q' and 'A'. If it looks crunched or just plain garbage, you can
expand the data sideways to make it more readable with 'O' and 'P'. If
the data seems to be off to one side, like the head of the character is
on one side and the body on the other, you can scroll the data around
with keys '5' and '8'.

COLOR - Inverses the colour of the display window.

POINT - This function points to the location in memory where the program
is stored and how much there is of it. [Toggle between the high and low
locations with 'O' and 'P'; return to the menu with 'A'. JimG]

LOAD - Allows you to load in the main machine code block of the game you
wish to inspect. If the game is too large to be resident in memory at
the same time as Peeker; it won't crash, but will just stop loading.

SAVE - Enables you to save the graphics data.

Hex Loader

[I didn't use the hex loader printed in the mag, so I've not]
[included the comments about it here.                   JimG]

Hex Dump 1

This is the first bit of code, start address = 23296, and the length =
143. Save as SAVE "PEEK CODE1" CODE 23296,143 after the Basic program on
your tape.

Hex Dump 2

This is the second bit of code [UDGs, actually. JimG], start address =
27936, and the length = 65. Save as SAVE "PEEK CODE2" CODE 27936,65
after the first code block.

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[letter from Your Sinclair 23 (Nov.1987)]


It's my duty with Francisco Alexandre to tell you the truth. The Peeker,
a graphic utility that was published in the last issue of your mag, was
first published in a Spanish magazine - Microhobby, no. 78 - and is by
Francisco Alexandre. Khalid Jamil is telling porkies. Enclosed are three
photocopies of the original listings of the program which was, and still
is, "El Espia".

Sorry about my English, but I think it's better than your Portuguese.

Paulo J Lucas Martins
Viseu, Portugal

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by David McCandless
from Your Sinclair 20 (Aug.1987) - "Program Pitstop"
[files GAUNTMAP.*]

Megawow! If you're a Gauntlet fan, then this is the utility for you.
Having slaved along through Gauntlet and it's Deeper Dungeons, it's real
nice to be able to get a map of the dam thing. Half the time spent
playing the game seems to be flogging down dead end passages, only to
turn around and see a Death on your tail! But don't get in a tizzy, 'cos
help is on hand! David McCandless has come up with this wacky little
program which actually maps each level for you and prints it out on a

Included in the program is a headerless save program, residing at
address 31011. To use this simply RANDOMIZE USR 31011 and it'll save the
Mapper code as a headerless file. There's no "Start Tape And Press Any
Key" message, so the tape has to be running before you press ENTER. (For
the technically minded, its a natty little routine you might want to use
in your own programs. It goes like this: DD 21 B0 77 11 [74 01] 3E FF CD
C2 04 C9, where the [bracketed] figures are the length, lo and hi bytes,
in that order of course.)


To use Mapper, simply connect your Spectrum to a printer, and load
Mapper1 with LOAD "". Stop the tape and load side 1 of your Gauntlet
tape as normal. Once loaded the screen will go blank. Stop the Gauntlet
tape and insert your Mapper tape again. Press play and the headerless
file will load in. Now the game will continue as normal, but you'll
notice some of the character set has been corrupted. Don't worry, this
is normal 'cos the Mapper code occupies this area. Now play the game as
normal but Pressing 'T' will compress and print the current screen to
your printer. Pressing 'R' will return you to the game, but if you
haven't got enough time to play, pressing 'Y' will return you to the
game, but with all the walls turned into exits for a quick getaway.

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by Dominic Robinson
from Your Sinclair #20 (Aug.1987) - "Program Pitstop"
[files STARTIP1.*]

Ever looked at the flashy rainbow
coloured lettering on Hewson games and
thought "Corky! I wish I could do that
in my games!" Well now you can, because
those awfully nice Hewson people have
allowed Dominic Robinson, the
exceedingly talented chap behind the
Spectrum conversion of Uridium, to share
it with you. His programming life at
Hewson began when he worked on the team
that built Pyracurse, and after Uridium
and the game he's just completed,
Zynaps, he looks, at the tender age of
21, to be one of the top Spectrum
programmers of 1987.

The Rainbow Effects Processor is a very
tidy group of routines, used in both
Zynaps and Uridium to produce the
amazing rainbow 3D effects on the title
and hi-score screens. "In its simplest
form, the Rainbow Processor can be used
to increase the Spectrum's normal colour
resolution, giving you a different
colour on each pixel line, in a band
twenty characters wide in the centre of
the screen. With a little more work, the
bars can be animated to produce some
very un-Spectrum like effects. The
Rainbow Processor runs in Interrupt Mode
2, to keep it synchronised with the
generation of the TV picture, so that
different attribute values are fetched
for each pixel line."


To use the Rainbow Processor, you must
set up a block of memory containing the
colour for each pixel line of your
display. This block can be 256 bytes
long, although at most 192 will be used
at one time, and it must not cross a
page boundary. Starting at a block at an
address which is a multiple of 256 will
ensure that this condition is met. For
example: 193*256-49408, which is
conveniently placed just above the end
of the code. Next POKE the address of
your data into 49189 and 49190; call the
routine at 49153 to initialise the
interrupts, then POKE 49188 with the
number of pixel lines you want
displayed. This value should be a
multiple of 8 for best results. Any
value outside of the range 1 to 192 will
switch off the rainbow effect until
another value is used. The deeper the
display you use, the less processor time
will be available for Basic or any other
code you have running. For this reason
the rainbow effect can only really be
used for title screens and special

Hex Dump

Feed this, eight bytes at a time, into
the Hex Loader from Peeker, and save it
as SAVE "democode" CODE 49153,145.

Demo Program

This small Basic program demonstrates
the facilities of the Rainbow Code. Save
it as SAVE "RAINBOW" LINE 2000. When you
run it, it will load and activate the
machine code, upon which the screen will
go black for a couple of minutes while
the demo picture is drawn. So be
patient; the result is stunning.

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by Tim Follin
from Your Sinclair #20 (Aug.1987) - "Program Pitstop"
[files STARTIP2.*]

This amazing three-channel sound routine
is the product of the versatile musical
talent of Tim Follin, the man behind the
tunes on Mastertronic's Agent X, and
Firebird's spectacular Sentinel. If you
thought these were the corkiest sonics
you've heard on any Speccy game, you'll
be thrilled to atoms over this chunk of
machine code music!

Tim is currently working on a brilliant
new routine for 6-channel sound with
chorus bass, 128K snare drum, echo on /
off / delay time, portamento, and full
ADSR! This fabby routine is to appear on
a brand new game called Red 5, by Peter
Gough, so keep a look out for it in the
near future.


The code begins at 40000 and is a mere
1340 bytes long. First CLEAR 39999, then
LOAD "" CODE. To hear the tune, simply
RANDOMIZE USR 40000. Any key breaks.

Note: Tim has asked us to say that
although he doesn't mind you using the
tune in your own programs, he does
retain copyright on it, so it can't be
used for commercial games.

Hex Dump

Type the following hex dump into the hex
loader and save as SAVE "TUNE" CODE
40000,1340. Good luck!

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STAR TIP 3 (Random Number Generator)
by Jon Ritman
from Your Sinclair #20 (Aug.1987)
[files STARTIP3.*]

If you liked Head Over Heels and Batman, then you'll know that Jon Ritman,
along with his partner Bernie Drummond, knows a thing or two about program-
ming brilliant games. One of the most important things in a good arcade
adventure, or so it seems, is a random number generator.

"This is the 32-bit random number generator routine I used in Batman and
Head Over Heels. The routine is quite fast and returns a reasonable random
number. This version returns with HL holding a 16-bit random number. However,
if you need all 32 bits, simply add the instruction LD DE,(SEED+2) just
before  the RET at the end. The 32-bit seed may be changed to any value of
your choice."

So here it is, for all of you assembly junkies, the listing, which can be
located anywhere suitable in memory. For those of you that haven't got an
assembler, there's also a hex dump of the code for you to load in via a
suitable hex loader. For convenience we've assembled it to 30000 (7530 hex),
and in case you're wondering, its length is 45 bytes. [It's actually 46
bytes. JimG]

SEED:       DB "Jon!"
            LD D,L
            ADD HL,HL
            ADD HL,HL
            LD C,H
            LD HL,(SEED)
            LD B,H
            RL B
            LD E,H
            RL E
            RL D
            ADD HL,BC
            LD (SEED),HL
            LD HL,(SEED+2)
            ADC HL,DE
            RES 7,H
            LD (SEED+2),HL
            JP M,RANDOM3
            LD HL,SEED
            INC HL
            JR Z,RANDOM2


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Another Fine Product transcribed by:
Jim Grimwood, Weardale, England (http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~jimg/)