Wow, wow, wow!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU FLEXX!!!!!!!!

(Sorry I can't speak русский, I'm British.)

I am so excited about this! I love Vortex Tracker and use it all the time!

For many years, I have wished that Sergey Bulba would update the software, I even wrote to him, but didn't think it would ever be upgraded. This is truly amazing!

Any one of these new features would be VERY exciting for me. This is almost too much! There are so many great new features, both big and small!!! Like, I love that the key for undo/redo is now the standard Ctrl+z (the old keys were stupid). I love the new icon too! Everything is so much better!

If you don't mind, I would like to share my request list for future updates...

1. My biggest request is that the samples can have names, so that you can quickly see what they all are when you browse through them.
2. It would also be good if you could see a list of all the samples, allowing you to quickly find the one you want, and also to re-order the samples.
3. It would also be nice if you could rename patterns, so instead of just a number like "4" you could call it "chorus 2" or something
4. The sample number is decimal in the sample editor, but hex in the pattern editor. It would be easier to remember which one is which if it was always hex.
5. Numpad has never worked (except in the ornament editor).
6. It would be nice if you could use the keys F9 - F12 to jump to the start of the pattern, ¼ way, ½ way and ¾ way (like other trackers).
7. It would be nice if the pattern editor had a scrollbar.
8. I would like to be able to change the default settings for Autostep. For me, I always like Autostep to be on, and set to 1.
9. It would be useful if the cursor wrapped around the left and right side of the pattern editor.
10. Something I do a LOT is switch between stereo and mono, but it is very rare that I change the order of ABC. So it would be good to have a separate button to toggle Mono/stereo, instead of having to cycle through all the options every time.
