Просмотр полной версии : RST#38

  1. New Spectrum Game
  2. "Your game-3". Contest Rules
  3. Egghead 4 available to download
  4. SP1 for Z88DK
  5. TommyGun - a retro development toolkit
  6. Tournament in Speccy games
  7. BYTE Spectrum clone
  8. New Free Spectrum Game
  9. final shoque viewer (tap)
  10. CRONOSOFT website back up and running
  11. raww.orgy 2008
  12. New Spectrum game - Egghead 5
  13. Clones and periprelas page
  14. Looking for Russian Games
  16. zxmail.org for speccy sceners
  17. VG93 перегрева в P1024SL / VG93 overheating in P1024SL
  18. SpecEmu v2.8 emulator released
  19. ZX Spectrum stuff in Chezh republic
  20. Another new Spectrum game - Albatrossity
  21. please help
  22. From what city?
  23. Exodus перевод для новой странички ?
  24. Are the new Russian Spectrums still in production?
  25. Does anyone have a photo of the Hobbit games console?
  26. Переведите пожалуста правильно эти фразы
  27. please help
  28. Pentagon 128k debugging
  29. Testers for new z88dk C library
  30. Spectrum Vega games console
  31. z88dk v1.99A Release Candidate
  32. New User and light request
  33. wanted - ZS Scorpion 256/1024 Turbo PCB
  34. Hobbit 48k clone Schematics
  35. Help building an Aleste remake board
  36. PeterPlus Sprinter - BIOS 3.04 & TITD
  37. ZXM General Sound - not working
  38. Compiling a Compact 256 Turbo partslist
  39. ATM Turbo 2+ 7.11 1556ХЛ8 -> GAL?
  40. Demos for non Sinclair/Pentagon timing
  41. Eye Ache 2 on Pentagon 48
  42. ZXBus, NemoBus, ScorpionBus