Если кому интересно, можно присоединиться к вопросам по разработке ZX Spectrum, Ричарду Альтвассеру и Стивену Викерсу. Надеюсь, объяснять кто это такие не надо.
Вот ответ последнего на мое письмо:
-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Vickers
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 1:23 AM
To: Konstantin Sviridov
Subject: Re: Need information about ZX Spectrum
Dear Konstantin,
Richard Altwasser did the electronics, including (I believe) the ULA.
The case and keyboard were designed by Rick Dickinson but I have had no contact with him for 20 years.
I have an email address for Richard Altwasser, but I'm not sure how public he wants it to be. I've forwarded your message to him.
Steve Vickers.