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Тема: "Your game-3". Contest Rules

  1. #1
    Veteran Аватар для TomCaT
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    По умолчанию "Your game-3". Contest Rules

    Message from axor, translated and transported into this forum

    "Your game-3". Contest Rules

    [ Contest aim&task ]
    - Discover gifted authors and development teams working on ZX Spectrum platform
    - Encourage new software development on the platform.
    - Popularize legal software selling.
    - Attract attention to the ZX Spectrum platform.

    [ Contest organizer ]
    Editorial staff of the "Abzatz" newspaper.

    [ Participation request ]
    Is given in any form at any editorial address no later than 1 month before termination of works reception.

    [ Contest participants ]
    - Creative teams.
    - Individual developers.
    There is no restriction on a number of works from a developer/team.

    [ Machine requirements ]
    - Stable work on any Spectrum-compatiable machine.
    - Work under TR-DOS.
    - No more than 128kb memory usage.

    [ Game genre]

    [ Contest nominations ]
    - The best contest game. The games which were never published before September 1, 2006 are nominated for it. Nomination of the full version of a game not allowed if its demo-version has been participating in any other contest.
    - The best contest demo-version. The demos created no later than in the year 2005 are nominated for it. Publication of the demos before contest taking place is allowed.

    [ Terms of the works reception ]
    The last day of reception is Sep. 1, 2006.
    The contest is recognized as having taken place, if no less than six works are nominated for "The best contest game", else the work reception term is prolonged for two months.

    [ Summary ]
    Semptember-November, 2006.

    [ The winner definition ]
    The winner is defined due to results of the questionnaire and following points calculation according to Fibonacci sequence (see No. 24 of "Abzatz", May 23, 2005 for more). The form is delivered along with the game disc(s).

    [ Contest prize fund ]
    Is estimated at money equivalent. So far (5.01.2006) comes to 5862 roubles ($195 USD).

    [ The winners rewarding ]
    Only participants of "The best contest game" nomination are awarded the money prize. Besides, every contestant gets a number of "Abzatz" newspaper, the contest works disc(s) and the newspaper issue in which the contest results will be publicated. Also, every contestant is awarded with the contest diploma.

    [ Prize fund assessment ]
    Prize fund is distributed among those nominating for "The best contest game" only, according to the points. The prize is sent by money order at the winner address. The percent collected for money order transition is paid out of the prize of each contestant (up to 9% in Russia).

    [ Works reception ]
    Sushkov A. D., 136 POB, Vologda, Russia
    e-mail: [email protected]

    [ Works publication ]
    The games nominated for "The best contest demo-version" will be published at public resourses (Internet) after the whole contest set is completed. Other works are published no earlier than one year after the contest summary. The earlier publication by the contestant himself is made with the contest organizer agreement only.
    Последний раз редактировалось TomCaT; 17.04.2006 в 16:07.
    Помни. Только на компьютере можно семь раз Cut, а один - Format. В реале все иначе. (c)
    Власть людей сильнее, чем люди у власти.
    Чем меньше мы смотрим на мир, тем больше задумываемся о нем. (c)

    Скрытый текст

    Can you help Robin in his quest for the silver arrow? (c) Odin "Robin of the Wood"
    Мы все немного режем по дереву, а потом собираем корабли в бутылках.
    Is it the same old story you are going to tell me
    or is it the old story telling me and you we are the same?

  2. #1
    С любовью к вам, Yandex.Direct
    Размещение рекламы на форуме способствует его дальнейшему развитию

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