По чистой случайности наткунулся на такой текст, опубликованой в юбилейном номере английского журнала Personal Computer World в мае 98-го:
Sir Clive Sinclair, British computing pioneer:
"When I started out, I was just interested in getting people interested in computers. It was very exciting then. There was a lot of innovation. There's no technical change now - it's all just Wintel stuff. It's just all got bogged down. The designs are very clumsy (plump) nowadays. They're not taking risks at all, they're just making the same sort of machines. The only breath of fresh air is Psion. They're terrific and they go their own way. Windows CE is a hope, as well.
I thought computers today would be used for the same kind of things they were used for then. I could see them becoming ubiquitous. But what has disappointed me greatly has been how little change there really has been. Take parallel computing - it's ridiculous, it should have happend by now. Computers should be hundreds of time more powerfull than they are now. They're also absurdly expensive for what they do. Very little of the price is from processing power. I don't use the internet at the moment. I get frustrated by the speed. If they would sort that out, then I would use it. But I think it's a most marvellous thing, it's amazing what can be done with it. I just don't want to use it while it's so slow."